Created by Fujiko Fujio and originally released in 1969, Doraemon is one of the most popular Japanese manga and anime series. It has become a massive media franchise that is loved by people of all ages all around the world.
The story is based on a robotic cat from the 22nd century who travels in time to help his buddy Nobita, a young boy who always finds himself in trouble. The robotic cat Doraemon always comes to Nobita’s rescue by using futuristic technology found inside his fourth dimensional pocket. This pocket contains all kinds of cool gadgets, but the most famous of all is the take-copter, or bamboo copter (head helicopter), which helps Doraemon and his friends fly anywhere they want during their epic adventures.
This summer, Roppongi Hills and TV Asahi have come together to hold an interactive Doraemon exhibition where several kinds of exciting events are taking place. Visitors to the festival can also find unique toys and products—including adorable take-copter headbands—from the popular manga and anime series. If you are a fan but you are not currently in Japan, you can still get in on the fun. Just request your favorite Doraemon items from Japan Goods Finder and we will ship them to you anywhere in the world.